Yes, they might have burned their cupcakes in the first round but they made an innovative cupcake that has never been done before on Cupcake Wars! They used Molecular Gastronomy and turned the Cupcake Wars set into an all out science lab!
Here is a description of their cupcake - A French chocolate cake with Belgian chocolate graham cracker crust baked at the bottom and sprinkled on the top of the cake, filled with a port wine reduction and fresh raspberries, topped with a whipped light cocoa and raspberry buttercream, a fresh raspberry sprinkled with 24 karat gold dust, a dark chocolate abstract art piece and to top it all off port caviar! The port caviar was created by utilizing molecular gastronomy techniques to form liquid port into gelled port spheres! Amazing! Talk about biting more than you can chew in 45 minutes!
We are extremely proud of our Grammer girls- this was the "Battle of the Champs" and they wanted to bring something to Cupcake Wars that has never been seen or done before by a cupcake baker and they did.
Check out the "BAKE don't BURN" Cupcake Wars Season 3 Promo Shoot!

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